
School of International Education Conducted Safety Education for International Students at the Beginning of 2024 Spring Semester

2024-03-02  点击:[]

On February 29thwhen the new semester just kicked offa safety education was conducted for international students in School of International Education in an effort to further implement the requirements for campus safety and stability, raise the safety awareness of international students, enhance their ability to prevent safety risks, and ensure their safety while studying in China.


During the conference, counselors for international students conducted specialized safety education sessions, including legal interpretations, case analyses, and epidemic prevention tips. They emphasized the strict prohibition of "three illegal" behaviors (illegal entry, illegal employment, and illegal residence), the prevention of telecommunications fraud, and the prevention of respiratory infectious diseases such as Covid-19 and influenza. Besides the counselors also provided safety warnings and education on key points such as Covid-19 vaccination for specific groups, personal hygiene and protection requirements, fire safety, food safety, traffic safety, and dormitory safety. Additionallythey stressed that international students must abide by the laws and regulations while in China, strictly prohibiting illegal activities such as drug trafficking, causing trouble after drinking, indoor electric bicycle charging, and smoking or excessive drinking in dormitories.

This safety education conference significantly raised the students' awareness of the school's rules and campus safety, receiving warm welcome and high praise. Representatives of the international students expressed that they would adhere more strictly to legal and school regulations, becoming law-abiding students, and embrace the new semester with a positive attitude, making better plans and preparations for their future.